Deyang Liu

Associate Professor
School of Computer and Information
Anqing Normal University


刘德阳,男,山东聊城人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,悉尼科技大学访问学者,安徽省青年拔尖人才青年学者,山东省泰山学者青年专家,国际期刊 Metaverse 青年编委, 省级优秀青年研究生导师。2017年获得上海大学信号与信息处理博士学位; 2018年遴选为软件工程专业硕士生导师;2019年12月晋升副教授;2019年-2020年在悉尼科技大学访问学习。 目前主持国家自然科学基金2项(包括面上项目1项,青年项目1项),其他省厅级项目7项。发表论文32篇,其中第一作者SCI/EI检索论文16篇,授权国内外发明专利10项。


  • 2019.10—2020.10,University of Technology Sydney,访问学者,导师:Prof. Qiang Wu
  • 2014.06—2017.06,上海大学,博士,信号与信息处理,导师:安平教授
  • 2011.09—2014.04,上海大学,硕士,信号与信息处理,导师:马然副教授
  • 2007.09—2011.07,安庆师范学院,学士,通信工程


  • 2020.01—至今,安庆师范大学,副教授
  • 2019.10—2020.10,University of Technology Sydney,访问学者
  • 2017.07—2019.12,安庆师范大学,讲师


  • 光场数据压缩与重建
  • 智能视频编码
  • 沉浸式视频(光场/3D/VR/AR)质量评价


  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向可视化重建的多视光场图像压缩方法研究(62171002),2022.01-2025.12,主持,在研.
  • 安徽省高校优秀青年科研项目,多视光场编码理论与应用研究(2022AH030106),2023.01-2025.12,主持,在研.
  • 网络与信息安全安徽省重点实验室开放课题,基于角度重建的光场图像压缩方法研究(AHNIS2023002),2023.01-2024.12,主持,在研.
  • 安徽省高校学科(专业)拔尖人才学术资助项目,面向重建的光场图像压缩方法研究(gxbjZD2022034),2022.01-2023.12,主持,在研.
  • 上海市特种光纤与光接入网重点实验室开放基金,面向可视化重建的光场图像压缩研究(SKLSFO2021-05),2022.01-2023.12,主持,在研。
  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于内容特性与感知质量的光场图像编码研究(61801006),2019.01-2021.12,主持,结题.
  • 安徽省高校优秀青年骨干人才国外访学研修项目,基于深度学习的高效多媒体视频图像编码算法研究(gxgwfx2019037),2019.10-2020.10,主持,结题.
  • 安徽省高等学校自然科学基金重点项目,虚拟现实视频的紧致表达与编码算法研究(KJ2018A0361),2018.01-2019.12,主持,结题.
  • 新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室开放基金,压缩光场图像全参考客观质量评价方法研究(P201801),2018.01-2018.12,主持,结题.


  • 光场数据编码理论和应用研究,安徽省计算机学会(ACF)自然科学奖二等奖,2021,排名第一,证书编号:2022-ACF-Z-R02-1.
  • "产、赛、科、创"四轮驱动的地方高校研究生培养模式探索与实践,安徽省教学成果奖(研究生教育)三等奖,2022,证书号:2022jxcgjY164-4.


  • Wei Yao, Lei Wang, D. Liu*, “Augmented Reality-based Language and Math Learning Applications for Preschool Children Education", Universal Access in the Information Society, 2024:1-12.
  • X. Zheng, B. Wang, D. Liu*, C. Lv, J. Yan and P. An, “A Foreground-Context Dual-Guided Network for Light-Field Salient Object Detection", Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2024: 117165.
  • D. Liu, Y. Mao, Y. Zhang, X. Zheng, Y. Zuo, and Y. Fang*, “Multiview Light Field Angular Super-Resolution based on View Alignment and Frequency Attention", Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV 2024), 2024, Accept.
  • D. Liu, Z. Li, X. Zheng, J. Ma, and Y. Fang*, “Low-Light Light-Field Image Enhancement With Geometry Consistency", Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV 2024), 2024, Accept.
  • X. Zheng, Z. Li, D. Liu*, X. Zhou and C. Shan, "Spatial Attention-Guided Light Field Salient Object Detection Network with Implicit Neural Representation," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2024.3437685
  • D. Liu, Z. Tong, Y. Huang, Y. Chen, Y. Zuo, Y. Fang*, “Geometry-Assisted Multi-Representation View Reconstruction Network for Light Field Image Angular Super-Resolution", Knowledge-based Systems, 2023: 267, 110390-1-110390-14.
  • D. Liu, Y. Mao, Y. Huang, L. Chao, Y. Wang, Y. Fang*, “Optical Flow-Assisted Multi-Level Fusion Network for Light Field Image Angular Reconstruction", Signal Processing:Image Communication, 2023, 119: 117031.
  • D. Liu, Y. Mao, X. Zhou, P. An, Y. Fang*, “Learning a Multilevel Cooperative View Reconstruction Network for Light Field Angular Super-Resolution", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2023, 1271-1276.
  • D. Liu, L. Zhang, L. Wan, W. Yao, J. Ma*, Y. Zhang, “Dual-Level Blind Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment Network based on Human Visual Perception", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2023, 14 (9): 1076-1084.
  • Y. Mao, Z. Tong, X. Zheng, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang, D. Liu*, “Light Field Spatial Super-resolution via Multi-level Perception and View Reorganization", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2023, 14 (5): 1075-1083.
  • X. Zheng, B. Wang, L. Ai, P. Tang, D. Liu*, “EDGE-Net: An edge-guided enhanced network for RGB-T salient object detection", Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2023, Accept.
  • C. Lv, X. Zhou, B. Zhu, D. Liu, B. Zheng, J. Zhang, C. Yan, “SRI-Net: Similarity retrieval-based inference network for light field salient object detection", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2023, 90: 103721.
  • D. Liu, Y. Huang, Y. Fang*, Y. Zuo, P. An, “Multi-Stream Dense View Reconstruction Network for Light Field Image Compression", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2022.3175023, 2022.
  • Y. Zhang, L. Wan, Y. Mao, X. Huang, D. Liu*, “Geometry‑aware view reconstruction network for light feld image compression", Scientifc Reports, DOI:, 2022.
  • Y. Zuo, J. Xie, H. Wang, Y. Fang, D. Liu and W. Wen, "Gradient-guided Single Image Super-resolution based on Joint Trilateral Feature Filtering," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2022.3204642.
  • X. Huang, P. An, Y. Chen, D. Liu, “Energy-driven Reference Selection for Hierarchical Light Field Compression", Signal Processing: Image Communication, DOI:,2022.
  • 艾列富, 程宏俊, 陶勇, 于俊清, 郑馨, 刘德阳.面向近似最近邻搜索的码字扩展增强型残差量化[J].计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2022,34(03):459-469.
  • L. Ai, Y. Tao, H. Cheng, Y. Wang, S. Xie, D. Liu, X. Zheng, “Accumulative Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search", Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022, 2022.
  • L. Ai, H. Cheng, X. Wang, C. Chen, D. Liu, X. Zheng, Y. Wang. “Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Using Enhanced Accumulative Quantization", Electronics, 2022, 11:2236.
  • D. Liu*, X. Huang, W. Zhan, et al, “View Synthesis-based Light Field Image Compression Using a Generative Adversarial Network”, Information Sciences, 2021:545,118-131.
  • D. Liu, Q. Wu, Y. Huang, X. Huang*, P. An. Learning from EPI-Volume-Stack for Light Field Image Angular Super-Resolution, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2021, 97:116353-1-116353-12.
  • T. Yan, R. In-Ho, D. Liu, Q. Zhang, “A Bit Allocation Method Based on Proportional-Integral-Derivative Algorithm for 3DTV,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2021: 15 (5), 1728-1743.
  • D. Liu*, P. An,R. Ma, W. Zhan, et al, “Content-based Light Field Image Compression Method with Gaussian Process Regression”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020: 22(4), 846-859.
  • D. Liu, Y. Huang, Q. Wu, R. Ma, P. An, “Multi-Angular Epipolar Geometry Based Light Field Angular Reconstruction Network”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2020:6, 1507-1522.
  • D. Liu*, W. Zhan, G. Wang, X. Zheng, L. Ai, “Dual-level light field reconstruction network based on directional EPI volume,” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2020, 2020, 11550:115500X.
  • X. Huang, P. An*, Y. Chen, D. Liu and L. Shen, “Low Bitrate Light Field Compression with Geometry and Content Consistency,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020, Online, doi: 10.1109/TMM.2020.3046860.
  • C. Meng, P. An, X. Huang, C. Yang and D. Liu, "Full Reference Light Field Image Quality Evaluation Based on Angular-Spatial Characteristic," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020, 27: 525-529.
  • Y. Chen, P. An, X. Huang, C. Yang, D. Liu and Q. Wu, "Light Field Compression Using Global Multiplane Representation and Two-Step Prediction," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020, 27:1135-1139.
  • X. Huang, P. An, F. Cao, D. Liu, Q. Wu, “Light-field compression using a pair of steps and depth estimation,” Optics express, 2019, 27 (3): 3557-3573.
  • 刘德阳*,王广军,吴健,艾列富.基于视点相关性的光场图像压缩算法[J].激光技术,2019,43(04):115-120.
  • D. Liu*, P. An,R. Ma, L. Shen, " Hybrid linear weighted prediction and intra block copy based light field image coding ", Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2018, 77:31929-31951.
  • D. Liu, P. An*,R. Ma, C. Yang, L. Shen, K. Li, “Scalable Coding of 3D Holoscopic Image by Using a Sparse Interlaced View Image Set and Disparity” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77: 1261-1283.
  • D. Liu*, P. An,R. Ma, W. Zhan, L. Ai, “Scalable Omnidirectional Video Coding for Real-Time Virtual Reality Applications”, IEEE ACCESS, 2018, 6 :56323-56332.
  • Z. You, P. An, D. Liu, “Scalable kernel-based minimum mean square error estimate for light-field image compression,” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2018, 52:1-14.
  • L. Yang, P. An, D. Liu, R. Ma, L. Shen, “Three-dimensional holoscopic image-coding scheme using a sparse viewpoint image array and disparities,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018, 27(3): 033030-1-033030-12.
  • L. Shan, D. Liu, P. An, X. Huang, “Research on subjective quality assessment of light field images,” International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (ICNCC), 2018, pp. 278-282.
  • D. Liu, P. An, C. Yang, R. Ma and L. Shen, “Coding of 3D holoscopic image by using spatial correlation of rendered view images,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, 2017, pp. 2002-2006.
  • D. Liu, P. An, R. Ma, X. Huang and L. Shen, “Hybrid kernel-based template prediction and intra block copy for light field image coding,” Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), 2017, pp. 673-682.
  • C. Yang, P. An, D. Liu, L. Shen, and K. Li, “Bit allocation for 3d video coding based on lagrangian multiplier adjustment,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2017, 52:1-5.
  • C. Yang, P. An, L. Shen, and D. Liu, “Adaptive bit allocation for 3d video coding,” Circuits, systems, and signal processing, 2017, 36(5):2102–2124.
  • L. Shan, P. An, D. Liu, R. Ma, “Subjective evaluation of light field images for quality assessment database,” International Forum of Digital TV and Wireless Multimedia Communication (IFTC), Shanghai, China, 2017, pp. 267-276.
  • D. Liu, P. An,R. Ma, C. Yang, L. Shen, “3D holoscopic image coding scheme using HEVC with Gaussian Process Regression,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2016, 47: 438-451.
  • D. Liu, P. An,R. Ma, C. Yang, L. Shen, K. Li, “Three dimensional holoscopic image coding scheme using high-efficiency video coding with kernel-based minimum mean square error estimation,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2016, 25(4): 043015-1-043015-9.
  • D. Liu, P. An, T. Du, R. Ma, L. Shen, “An improved 3D holoscopic image coding scheme using HEVC based on Gaussian mixture models,”  International Forum of Digital TV and Wireless Multimedia Communication (IFTC), Shanghai, China, 2016, pp. 276-285. (Best student paper award)
  • C. Yang, P. An, D. Liu, and L. Shen, “Depth map coding based on virtual view quality,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016: 1367-1371.
  • D. Liu, P. An, R. Ma and L. Shen, “Disparity compensation based 3D holoscopic image coding using HEVC,” IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), Chengdu, China, 2015, pp. 201-205.
  • C. Yang, P. An, D. Liu, and L. Shen, “Virtual view distortion estimation for depth map coding,” IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2015:1–4.


  • 刘德阳, 姚玮, 毛逸凡, 张友志, 郑馨, 艾列富. 一种光场图像角度重建方法, 专利号 ZL 202111439588.7,授权日期: 2022.7.15.
  • 刘德阳, 郗岳, 程树林, 艾列富, 郑馨. 光场图像角度超分辨率重建方法, 专利号 ZL 202011154894.1,授权日期: 2022.6.24.
  • 刘德阳, 许娟, 童在东, 张友志, 艾列富, 郑馨. 融合光场子孔径图像与宏像素图像的角度超分辨率方法, 专利号 ZL 202210392739.6,授权日期: 2023.4.18.
  • 刘德阳, 査海涅, 童在东. 一种光场图像空间超分辨率方法, 专利号 ZL 202310290252.1 ,授权日期: 2023.8.24.
  • 刘德阳, 査海涅,毛逸凡,郑馨,艾列富,张友志. 一种基于子孔径图像的光场图像角度超分辨率方法, 专利号 ZL 202310278131.5 ,授权日期: 2023.8.28.
  • 刘德阳, 査海涅,张璐. 一种虚拟现实图像质量评价方法及系统, 专利号 ZL 202310277711.2 ,授权日期: 2023.11.08.
  • Liu Deyang, Yao Wei, Zhang Youzhi, Zheng Xin, Mao Yifan, Ai Liefu, A method for light field angular reconstruction. 专利号:LU500980,授权日期: 2022.06.13.
  • Cheng Shulin, Liu Deyang, Ai Liefu, Xi Yue, Zheng Xin, An angular super resolution reconstruction method for optical field image. 专利号:LU500298,授权日期: 2021.12.20.
  • Yao Wei, Deyang Liu. An intelligent store management system and method for artificial intelligence and big data. 专利号:2022/03696,授权日期: 2022.06.29.


  • 本科生课程:《Web前端开发》
  • 研究生课程:《计算机视觉》


  • 2020级:童在东(苏州农村商业银行)
  • 2021级:毛逸凡(上海大学读博)、张璐、万立飞(宁波大学读博)
  • 2022级:李小雪、汪磊(联合培养)
  • 2023级:李世政


    本人每年招收计算机视觉、视觉大数据、多媒体技术处理、智能信息处理等方向的硕士研究生以及本科生多名,要求对研究有一定兴趣,有一定编程基础。对于勤奋和能力突出的学生, 可推荐到国内外高校学习交流。
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